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Article: Week 2: Tangible Support

Week 2: Tangible Support

Think of this type as the proverbial, “Can I borrow a cup of sugar?” This is a tangible service, or maybe a favor, someone is providing you. Perhaps you’re getting a ride from a bus driver, the person who walks your dog, or someone is holding open a door. This type of support is practical. However, recognizing when you are given practical support can encourage a sense of “I am not alone, I can ask for help when I need it”.

Tangible support includes taking on responsibilities for someone else so they can deal with a problem or in other ways taking an active stance to help someone manage a problem they’re experiencing. Someone who offers you tangible support may bring you dinner when you’re sick, help you brainstorm solutions (rather than telling you what you should do, as with informational support), or in other ways help you actively deal with the issue at hand.

Here are some ways to help this month:

  • Offer to grab groceries for a neighbour
  • Help a family member with some admin stuff they’ve been putting off
  • Accompany a friend to an appointment
  • Offer to babysit or pet sit for a night (you might be surprised how many people put off going out because of their dogs!).
  • Give someone you know a lift home.

This kind of support is easier to see and understand but it's much harder to actively do. In the spirit of the season, maybe start your resolutions early and reach out with some tangible support to a friend or neighbour.

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