Monday Must: Small Acts For Everyday Magic
I'm Jess Sanchez, a creative generalist LOL. I have a jewelry line called Santa Isla; I recently started painting, which brings me so much joy. I'm a stylist and a beauty enthusiast. I hosted a show called Beauty Mark, where we explored what beauty means through women entrepreneurs in the beauty space.
Wake up and immediately thank the Universe for one thing (minimum).The world is crazy, but there is always something to be grateful for. My family, friends, my favourite moisturizer, anything that comes to mind that makes me feel nice.
Follow by thanking the universe for the gifts it is sendingI'm a strong believer that THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. You don't have to believe me, but try it out consistently and see what comes your way. Also important to note is that gifts aren't always extravagant or big; they come in small gestures, and when you see them as such, they come at you all the time.
Dry brush my face and bodySoft and supple is the only look I'm interested in. It's possible, but it takes consistent work. I swear by my dry brush from Province Apothecary. It's divine, and it's also a lovely little ritual I have with myself every morning.
Kiss the SkyListen, I'm 37 and still get carded at the LCBO. Here's what you do: place your hand on your chest and gently pull as you stretch your neck up and kiss the sky—20 times minimum. You have to keep it tight, and if done consistently, it works.
Lemon water before everythingHydration is critical, and this supports the cause. It also aids in digestion, improves your skin's quality, and keeps the breath fresh—all essential things.
Be kindCompliment someone on the street, pay for someone's coffee, hold the door for someone. Small things that put a smile on someone's face can drastically change the course of their day. Also, stop and smell the flowers.
Don't take yourself so seriouslyTry to stay out of your head for at least 15 mins a day. Crack a joke, be the joke, laugh, be silly. Be like water Be present. Listen to people more than you talk. Have goals and vision but go with the flow. Life is short, and next Monday isn't guaranteed.
Be like waterBe present. Listen to people more than you talk. Have goals and vision but go with the flow. Life is short, and next Monday isn't guaranteed.
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